Inter-Governmental Action Group against Money Laundering in West Africa (GIABA)
and the Europen Union (EU) will be organizig a Regional Workshop for the
Launching of the “Strengthening of Anti-money Laundering Capacities in West Africa” project,
captioned SAMWA-24594/366 844 (CRIS 24594). The meeting will hold on 25th November 2016 at the GIABA Secretariat. The overall objective of this Project is to contribute
to the fight against Money Laundering and establish through GIABA and its Member
States, anti-money laundering systems that will be compliant with international
standards, particularly through the support provided to Financial Intelligence
Units in the process of acceding to the Egmont Group.
specifically, the project seeks to enhance the efficacy of the Financial
Intelligence Units and Reporting Entities in analyzing financial intelligence,
improve the quality of reports submitted and raise the awareness of reporting
entities on their compliance obligations. The SAMWA project will also
strengthen the capacities of Law Enforcement and Judiciary authorities to
investigate money laundering cases and recover illicit assets. Finally, it will
help in further sensitizing public opinion and establishing the level of
political commitment to the fight against money laundering.
One of GIABA’s key
mandates is to protect the do
mestic economies as well as the financial systems
of Member States from the proceeds of crime and terrorist financing. The fight
against these scourges requires the establishment of solid legal, regulatory
and institutional systems in Member States. Within the framework of
international cooperation, GIABA has solicited and obtained funding from the EU
to strengthen the capapcities of stakeholders. The financing package allocated
to the SAMWA project by the EU amounts to FCFA 965 million under the 10th European
Development Fund (Regional Programme for West Africa) for the period spanning
2015-2020. Added to this EU package is GIABA’s contribution to the tune of FCFA 393 million.
The beneficiaries
under this project are the 15 ECOWAS Member States, paticularly stakeholders in
the financial sector, non-financial institutions, designated non-financial
businesses and professions, Financial Intelligence Units, the Judiciary, Law
enforcment agencies and the Civil Society.